March 6, 2025


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Flight Risk (2025)

Flight Risk (2025) is an intense action thriller directed by Mel Gibson, featuring Mark Wahlberg as the lead.

The film follows Wahlberg’s character, a pilot who is tasked with transporting a fugitive (played by Topher Grace) to trial, accompanied by an Air Marshal (Michelle Dockery).

As they fly over the Alaskan wilderness, tensions rise as not all passengers aboard are who they appear to be. The film is packed with suspense, with trust being tested in high-stakes situations.

The movie explores the complexities of human relationships under pressure, set against the isolated backdrop of an airplane in flight. Wahlberg’s experience in action roles, combined with Gibson’s direction,

promises an edge-of-your-seat experience. Flight Risk is set to release on January 24, 2025.

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